
Insurance Open version Infobank

Jakarta - InfoBank Magazine released back rating on 130 insurance in Indonesia. Rank is based on the publication of financial reports with the 10 criteria.

Ten criteria are RBC, liquidity ratio, the ratio of technical reserves with current assets, the ratio of premiums to the premium reserve Retention own, gross premium income changes, the ratio of premium Retention own with their own capital, the ratio of investment to the technical reserves plus debt claims, the ratio of net claims expenses with the net premium, the ratio of the burden of income with income, and the ratio of profit to the average of their own capital.

Thus presented by the Director of Bureau of Research InfoBank Eko B. Supriyanto in Insurance Ratings 130 version InfoBank Year 2007 in the Hotel Sahid Jaya, Jakarta, Selas (3/6/2007).

Based on these criteria, the company that obtained a predicate "very good" with a gross premium Rp 1 trillion to among other top of the first PT Prudential Life Insurance, both Life Insurance Manulife Indonesia, and PT Asuransi Jiwa third Sinarmas.

And for life insurance companies with gross premiums Rp 200 billion to Rp 1 trillion, with the predicate "very good" is the first Cigna Insurance, AXA Financial Indonesia second and third Astra CMG Life.

"For a premium brutonya below Rp 200 billion and the predicate" very good "is the first Family Takaful Insurance, Life Insurance Bumiarta second and third Reksatama UOB-Sun Life Assurance," added Eko.

Meanwhile, the rating for the company's general insurance premiums with Rp 200 billion to the top and berpredikat "very good" among others, the first Adira Dinamika Insurance, Zurich Insurance Indonesia, and insurance Jasaraharja son.

While the premium brutonya Rp 50 billion to below Rp 200 billion with the predicate "very good" is the Tugu Kresna Pratama, Asuransi Samsung Tugu Insurance and Nipponkoa Permata Indonesia.

"For a premium brutonya below Rp 50 billion and preikat" very good "among others Bhakti Bhayangkara Insurance, General Insurance and Arthagraha Insurance AIOI Indonesia," he said.

In rating this there is only one life insurance company that berpredikat not good, and 9 have a general insurance company berpredikat not good.

"But there are 3 life insurance companies that do not issue a financial report, while the 5 insurance companies that do not issue public financial reports or financial reports is not complete," he added.

According to the portfolio's actual investment, insurance companies in Indonesia have been the better strategy is chosen.

"Investment in deposits by insurance companies as much as 20.53 percent, lower than the investment in shares and bonds which is 23.47 percent and in securities issued or guaranteed 23.25 percent of the government," he explained.

Meanwhile, mutual funds investment kucuran obtain insurance equal to 13.9 percent, followed by direct inclusion of 3.3 percent. (dnl / Qom)

Rev. Daniel - detikfinance

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